— Works —


“Durchlässigkeit” 2021 In der Serie “Durchlässigkeit” werden diese Flächen in verschiedenen Variationen geschnitten und zusammengenäht, wodurch skulpturale Figuren entstehen, die der klassischen Bildhauertradition nahe stehen. Getrennt vom ganzen Körper sind Rumpf, Beine, Brüste, Rücken und Schultern auf ungewöhnliche Weise miteinander verbunden. Die Kompositionen scheinen nicht einer anatomischen Logik zu folgen, sondern der Wanderdynamik, die durch […]


2021 Kunsthalle Baden Baden 222 x 172 cm Mischtechnik – Von über 90 Frauen gesammelte Kleider Stücke entstehen die Suppen der Sahmaran Şahmaran ist eine legendäre Märchengestalt in Erzählungen und in der Volkskunst in Anatolien, im Irak und im Iran. Ihr Name stammt aus dem Persischen “Shah-ı Maran” und bedeutet “Königin der Schlangen”. Im Laufe der […]

Die Lippen der schönen Damen – Dilberdudağı

Mit ihrer Arbeit bezieht sich Baydu auf ein traditionelles Gebäck ihrer Heimat, das den Namen „Die Lippen der schönen Dame“ trägt. Für die Herstellung der Löffel nahm Baydu Abdrücke der Lippen von sechs Frauen mit verschiedenen kulturellen Hintergründen und übersetzt die osmanische Tradition , besonders köstliche Speisen mit der Schönheit weiblicher Körperteile zu verbinden. Baydus […]

The Distance between me and everything

2022  The mold, which completely covers the surface of the body and was taken from the artist by means of elastic polyester material and cut open in the middle, creates a startling effect on the viewer with its realistic details and its image lying on the ground. First of all, the appearance of the human […]


These “wishing-stones” sent by women from different cultures and different countries will be displayed in their integrity and in solidarity with the hidden wishes they carry. The performance is connected to a ritual in which I had the chance to participate as a child, but remember only in part. Kurdish women go on journeys and try to […]

Siebte Todsünde

„Siebte Todsünde“ Peter Dell der Ältere stellt die 7 Todsünden im Kontext der Zeit, um 1530-1540, in Frauengestalt dar. Im GNM Nürnberg sind die 6 Sünden Hoffart, Geiz, Wollust, Neid, Völlerei, Zorn zu sehen; die Trägheit des Herzens fehlt. Ohne mich mit theologischen Begrifflichkeiten, Voraussetzungen zum Begehen einer Sünde, historischen Ein- und Zuordnungen tiefer zu […]

Cumhuriyet Kadınları

Untitled, Women of The Republic Series 2015, Transparent handmade paper, white and red, 52 cm figurine, under 60x50x50 cm glass vitrine

Sen söylemezsen ben söylemem

Otoportre: Sük.t 2015, El yapımı şeffaf kağıt, mühür mumu, bandaj, pleksiglas, 50 cm Self Portrait: Silence 2015, Transparent handmade paper, sealing wax, bandage, plexiglass, 50 cm

Otoportre: Annesinin Kumaşından

otportre: Annesinin Kumaşından 2015, Pazen ve pleksiglas, 47 cm Self Portrait: From Her Mother’s Fabric2015, Flannel and plexiglass, 47 cm


Crown Performance Between Bridges, Berlin 2017 A B-52 bomber in combat formation with four fighter aircraft above the artist’s head.  The five aircraft, cast in 14-karat gold, are mounted on a crown with gold-plated wire. For a period of 40 minutes, the artist takes the crown from the wall, places it on her head, and […]

Reden ist Silber

The work includes 21 gold-plated bronze casts of various women’s mouths. These are installed at their original heights on a wall in a format of 8.00 cm x 11.00 cm. The work self-evidently uses the correspondence of content and material in a dialogue with the proverb (“speech is silver…”) found in many cultures.

Long Neck

Fine art print, 100 x 100 cm. The work references the women of the Padaung, a highland tribe of the Karen people of southeastern Myanmar and Vietnam. In a tradition of this ethnic minority, many of whom now live in Thailand, women wear brass coils around their necks, making these appear longer and therefore more […]

Mit Roten Schuhen

Installation-performance, 2008 and 2009. Forty-three pairs of red women’s shoes and three pairs of red men’s shoes are placed ready for exchange. Participants are given the opportunity to temporarily trade their own shoes for a pair of red shoes. Within the framework of the performance, the underlying installation evolves through the process of constant exchange. […]

Karakter bürünmek

In a performance framework, I clothe myself in multiple dresses, which I have collected from women representing different professions and social classes. I wear these garments on top of one another, piece by piece. As I slip myself, one body, into another body, a thick layer of overlapping dresses burgeons around me. Once clothed in […]

Güllük Gülistanlık

”The Rose Garden”, 2017 Porcelain powder and brass, various dimensions.

The Distance between me and everything else

Polyester cast, 180 x 127 cm. Distanz vom eigenen Körper nehmen.


Cuma, 2016/2018  Teppich, geknüpft,200 x 300 cm.  Der Teppich zeigt Männer, die der islamischen Tradition folgend, am Freitag zum gemeinsamen Gebet gerufen werden.


“Gökçen”, Women of The Republic Series, 2015 Siam and Japanese paper (handmade), boots and uniform in white and blue colour, 52 cm figure, (glass vitrine; 50x50x70 cm.) Artinternational, Istanbul, TR “Papierrepublik”, 4 – 5 – 6 Eylül 2015

Suitcase Bread

“Suitcase- Bread”, 2011- 2015 Bread dough, leather, 45x50x23 cm.

The Cloth

Kendi el yazım „Mehtap Baydu“ ile özel dokuttuğum astar, kendime diktirdiğim (36) pazen erkek takim elbesenin astarı olarak yerini alıyor. Kıyafet kültürel kimliğin önemli bir parçası… Kadınlarımızın severek kullandığı pazen kumaştan tasarlayarak diktirdiğim klasik erkek takım elbisesi ile bizim kültürümüzde kadın kimliğine ait olan bu kumaşla erkeğin toplumsal statüsünü pekiştiren kıyafet formunu bir araya getiriyorum. […]

Vinegar & Salt & Water

“A little salt, a little vinegar, a little water”, 2017 Fine art print 140 x 100 cm.